Friday, 2 May 2014


Hi everyone, So today I am going to a sixth form interview at one of my local grammar schools and once I have done the interview I will tell you all what my experience was and what sort of questions they asked so you may be as prepared as you can be. See you on the other side!
Okay, so it is the next day and I thought I would give you some of my tips for doing a good interview:

  1. Stay positive - interviewers don't like it if you are negative, talk about your achievements and favourite subjects, not about the ones you hate.
  2. Keep talking - obviously not too much but don't stay silent until spoken to.
  3. Don't be afraid to show off - you want to sell that you will be perfect for this job/school so don't be shy to tell them about your achievements or skills.
  4. Have a good handshake - this may sound stupid but if your handshake is confident and strong it will give the interviewer a good first impression.
  5. Be honest - this also may sound a bit strange but some people lie about things they have done to hopefully seem more appropriate but I am telling you now; it will come back to bite your ass later!
Hope some of you found this useful, there are obviously a lot more tips and over the years I will probably add to this post but at the moment, this is what I found the main things.