Wednesday 26 March 2014


  1. Hi everyone, found this tag on Tumblr so I thought I would do it for you all:
  2. 1:Name - Hannah
  3. 2:Age - 15
  4. 3:3 Fears - Spiders, Complete darkness, Murderers
  5. 4:3 things I love - Anything that gives me an adrenaline rush, Food, Internet 
  6. 5:4 turns on - Beautiful eyes, taller than me, funny, a true gentlemen
  7. 6:4 turns off - Being rude, Dirty, different around his friends than with me, bad haircut
  8. 7:Sexual orientation - straight
  9. 8:How tall am I - 5ft1/2
  10. 9:Favorite colour - purple or blue
  11. 10:Do I have a crush - yes
  12. 11:Favorite quote - we are exactly where we have chosen to be - Vernon Howard
  13. 12:Favorite food - mash potato
  14. 13:Shoe size - 4/5
  15. 14:Eye color - brown
  16. 15:Hair color - brown
  17. 16:Meaning behind my URL - my brain is a mess of thoughts that I can't keep up with
  18. 17:Favorite movie - Harry Potter/Perks of being a Wallflower
  19. 18:My current relationship status - Single
  20. 19:Tattoos and piercing i have/want - none
  21. 20:How long does it take me to get ready in the morning? - 30 minutes
  22. 21:Where am I right now? - School :(
  23. 22:If I were drunk and can’t stand, who’s taking care of me? - don't drink alcohol so I take care of everyone else
  24. 23:Do I live with my Mom and Dad? - yes
  25. 24:Am I excited for anything? - Little Mix concert in May and Summer in the City and NCS this summer
  26. 25:If I could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be? - Connor Franta
  27. 26:What do I think about most? - Becoming a youtuber
  28. 27:What’s my best talent? - making others laugh
  29. 28:What was the last lie I told? - I did not know we had homework (I did know, I just couldn't be bothered to do it)
  30. 29:Do I spend money or save it? - Spend, I am terrible at saving
  31. 30:Favorite animal? - Meerkat
  32. 31:What is my favorite word? - Cheeky
  33. 32:Drank alcohol/Did drugs/Smoked? - no
  34. 33:Been to a wedding? - yes my aunties when I was 5 (I was flower girl)
  35. 34:Been outside my home country? - France
  36. 35:Broken a bone? - never
Hope you enjoyed this little tag

Friday 14 March 2014


Hi everyone, So after entering the deep, dark world of Tumblr I also decided to check out wattpad.
And I am ashamed to say that I am hooked, it is now my favourite way to procrastinate and I spend every evening on it, reading new fanfictions and every time someone updates I do a weird internal squeal which makes me sound like a dying pig but there you go ;)
Wattpad is an amazing site that not only does fanfiction but great for up-and-coming authors to publish their books and get recognised. However, I personally just use it for fanfiction which basically consists of about 50 troyler fanfics, 3 zalfie fanfics, 6 niall horan fanfics and 2 connor franta fanfics, because if I hadn't told you already; I love (not literally) Connor Franta :D
I mean just look at those eyes:
Anyway... There are many different types of fanfiction;
  1. Smut - not my fav and it can be as detailed as you want. It is basically where the author describes the sexual intercourse in as much detail as they want. I personally don't read it but I know some who do.
  2. Fluff - my personal favourite which basically refers to parts containing very light-hearted romance. It's purpose is to provide the reader with a warm fluffy good feeling, usually by depicting two of their favorite characters either as a couple, or in situations that may lead them to being closer to one another.
  3. Angst - Sad, Tragic, Upsetting fanfictions which I frankly don't read because they make me so sad I end up crying so much I get headaches but you might like it :)
  4. Crack - fanfics that are intentionally unbelievable and insane; often humorous which are usually short, one-shot stories.
  5. One-shot stories - to put it simply, a one chapter story. I prefer long ones that are 50+ chapter but sometimes it's nice to read a short, snappy one.
Hope this helped some of you

Wednesday 12 March 2014


Hi everyone, So unless you have been living under a rock for the past few years and you have never heard of Tumblr you will probably have heard the term 'shipping'.
If you haven't, where have you been? But for any of you dinosaurs who are confused as to what I am going on about then in the words of the Harries twins, "when you get two people and you put them together" what Jack means here is that you like the idea of them being in a relationship.
If you love tumblr or you are just an ultra-cool person you will have also heard of OTP which means One True Pair which is the one combination of people that does it the most for you.
For example, I always cheat when people ask me who my OTP is because I have two; Zalfie (Zoe Sugg and Alfie Deyes) and Troyler (Tyler Oakley and Troye Sivan "Mellet").
NB: If you ever insult someone's OTP, it's your fault if they kill you.

My favourite ways to keep up with my OTP feels are tumblr, twitter and my fav; wattpad (which is basically a fanfiction website).
Hope you enjoyed this blog post and leave in the comments below: who is your OTP?